jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

ISE II (B2): Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

Here you have some more expressions for agreeing and disagreeing to complete the theory we have been seeing in class today. Remember that I expect you to use them in your writing assignment as well as in the speaking exercises that we do in class. 
Have a good week!

ISE: Pronunciation

Here I post a little presentation  about the pronunciation of two similar sounds in English: d and th. Hope it is useful for you!

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Diferencia entre “to say” y “to tell”

En esta entrada vamos a ver la diferencia entre los verbos to say y to tell que se traducen al español por “decir o contar”.

To say se utiliza cuando informamos a alguien de algo. Lo usamos tanto en estilo directo como en estilo indirecto:

          Examples: She said ‘This is horrible / He said that he wanted a drink

También usamos este verbo cuando hacemos una pregunta sobre un idioma (Example: How do you say ‘book’ in Spanish?) y con expresiones como to say hello/goodbye/ please/ thank you/ happy birthday/ Merry Christmas/ Happy New Year/ Congratulations…

Por el contrario, usamos to tell cuando queremos saber cómo llegar a un sitio.

          Example: Can you tell me where the bus station is, please? [NOT: *Can you say me…]

También lo usamos con las wh- words (Examples: He told me how to send a fax/ Tell me when you want to have dinner) y con expresiones tales como to tell someone the time/ a story/ a joke/ your name/ address/ telephone number…

Pero la diferencia más importante es que to tell va seguido de un objeto indirecto, es decir, inmediatamente después de este verbo tenemos que indicar la persona a la que le decimos algo. To say no puede ir seguido de un objecto indirecto.

          Example: He told me his name [NOT: *He said me his name]

En el siguiente vídeo, tenéis más información acerca de esta diferencia:

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

ISE I (B1): Formal letters

Here you have the link to download the writing assignment for this week. Remember that you must write a formal letter.

In the following video you have some advice that you must follow to write your formal letter correctly:

Finally, I also leave in this post a document with useful expressions to write a formal letter. I hope you use some of them in your writing assignments.

See you next week!

(This post is for B1 students who go to class on Satuday)

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

ISE I (B1): Portfolio Tasks + subject areas of the exam

Here you have, first, the five portfolio tasks. Remember that you have to select one from the list and write a letter or an email between 70 and 80 words for next week.

Secondly, I leave you as well the topics for both the controlled written exam and the oral exam:

Remember that you cannot choose the topic for the oral exam from the list above. Also, notice that all the areas are in your books (topics 5 to 8).

All the areas above coincide with topics 1 to 4 of the book.

I recommend you to start doing a little glossary of vocabulary in which you must include all the words related to the topics. This will help you study for the exam.
Have a good week!

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

ISE II (B2): Subject Areas for the exam

Here you have the list of topics for the exam I have shown you in class this afternoon.

Remember that the topic you have to select for the oral exam should not be selected form the list above.

The next image contains the topic for the portfolio and the written exam.

I recommend you to start doing a vocabulary glossary containing all the words you need to know. As you can see, the topics in the exam are the ones we are studying in class, so you have to study them as much as you can! 
Have a good weekend!

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

ISE II (B2): Exercise 9b, page 18

If you remember, a couple of weeks ago, we did an exercise about the oral part of the exam, specifically the conversation part in which I read some prompts and you had to write some question you can ask related to the topic. Then your classmates revised them and added some ideas. Finally and after two weeks, I have ordered your questions and put them together in a file. You can download the file by clicking in the following link:

Exercise 9b, page 18

Sorry for the delay and see you on Thursday!

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